Naturalmente Toscano - Via del Pretorio 1 58055 - Semproniano - GR

For breakfast or afternoon tea

Anicini di Laudomia al Gentil Rosso

Portions: about 20 anicini – Difficulty: medium INGREDIENTS 500 grams of stone-ground Gentil Rosso flour, type 2 250 grams of sugar or isomalt (the isomalt sweetens slightly less) 170 ml of cold-pressed EVO or sunflower oil 3 eggs 1 packet of baking powder for cakes 30 gr of anise seeds METHOD Mix the flour with […]

Ricotta cake and honey with einkorn spelled

Portions: 10 Difficulty: low INGREDIENTS – 250 gr of stone-ground einkorn wheat, type 2 -200 grams of honey -250 of ricotta -grated rind of organic orange -50 grams of almonds -3 eggs -4 tablespoons of EVO oil or cold-pressed seeds -1 packet of baking powder for cakes -1 pinch of salt METHOD – Beat the […]

Pear, chocolate and ginger tart with Gentil Rosso

Portions: 10 – Difficulty: low INGREDIENTS – 300 gr of stone-ground Gentil Rosso, type 2 – 100 gr of cane sugar – 100 grams of butter – 50 ml of EVO oil – 1 egg – half bag of baking powder for cakes – 1 pinch of salt – ripe pears or pears in syrup […]

Bundle of apples with ancient grains

Portions: 10 – Difficulty: low INGREDIENTS – 200 grams of type 2 stone ground ancient wheat flour, type 2 – 8 tablespoons of sugar or isomalt (the isomalt sweetens slightly less) – 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil or cold-pressed seeds – grated orange / lemon organic rind – raisins wet in the brandy […]

Almond and carrot plumcake with einkorn spelled

Portions: 8 Difficulty: low INGREDIENTS 80 grams of stone-ground einkorn wheat, type 2 250 grams of sugar or isomalt (the isomalt sweetens slightly less) grated rind of organic lemon 300 gr of almonds 300 grams of carrots 4 eggs half bag of baking powder for cakes 1 pinch of salt METHOD Finely chop the almonds […]

Monococco and chocolate biscuit

Portions: about 20 biscuits – Difficulty: low INGREDIENTS 525 gr of stone-ground einkorn wheat, type 2 150 grams of sugar or isomalt (the isomalt sweetens slightly less) 75 grams of butter at room temperature 3 eggs 1 packet of baking powder for cakes drops or flakes of dark chocolate grated orange organic peel 1 pinch […]

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